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通过对河北省张家口下花园区夏家沟古城梁、怀来县赵家山等剖面地质测量,分析了1400 Ma前沉积的下马岭组岩性变化、沉积序列与海平面升降演化、岩石矿物组分与重矿物组合,认为下马岭组沉积时期发育温暖湿润的气候条件及多期热带风暴作用,早期的大规模风暴与浊流等事件沉积,晚期的浅海陆棚风暴岩、深水陆棚泥页岩、细粒浊积岩及安静水体的泥灰岩透镜体(灰泥饼)等是其鲜明的沉积响应.该时期发育一次长期缓慢的海平面上升-下降过程,对应一个二级层序.内幕可细分为五次海平面升降变化,对应五个三级层序;下马岭组沉积早期的物质组分主要以砂质、泥质为主,晚期转化为以泥质、灰质、云质为主,砂质减少,两种类型的物质组合系统先后影响燕辽裂陷槽;下马岭组沉积时期,具有双物源性质,除了主要来自于东部的山海关古隆起外,晚期可能也有西部山西古陆提供物源,来自北部的沉积物源不发育,推测北部的内蒙-冀北隆起(内蒙地轴)不存在,燕辽盆地具有西陡东缓的箕状断陷盆地特征,盆地古地形、物源供给变化与多级次海平面振荡变化控制了下马岭组沉积物的时空演化特征.该研究为1400 Ma前华北克拉通北部燕辽盆地岩相古地理的恢复提供了重要参考.  相似文献   
四川省青川县滑坡灾害群发,点多面广,区域滑坡灾害预警是有效防灾减灾的重要手段,预警模型是成功预警的核心。由于研究区滑坡诱发机理复杂、调查监测大数据及分析方法不足等原因,传统区域地质灾害预警模型存在预警精度有限、精细化不足等问题。文章在青川县地质灾害调查监测和降水监测成果集成整理与数据清洗基础上,构建了青川县区域滑坡灾害训练样本集,样本集包括地质环境、降雨等27个输入特征属性和1个输出特征属性,涵盖了青川县近9年(2010—2018年)全部样本,数量达1 826个(其中,正样本613个,负样本1 213个)。基于逻辑回归算法,对样本集进行5折交叉验证学习训练,采用贝叶斯优化算法进行模型优化,采用精确度、ROC曲线和AUC值等指标校验模型准确度和模型泛化能力。其中,ROC曲线也称为“受试者工作特征”曲线;AUC值表示ROC曲线下的面积。校验结果显示,基于逻辑回归算法的模型训练结果准确率和泛化能力均较好(准确率94.3%,AUC为0.980)。开展区域滑坡实际预警时,按训练样本特征属性格式,输入研究区各预警单元27个特征属性,调用预先学习训练好的模型,输出滑坡灾害发生概率,根据输出概率分段确定滑坡灾害预警等级。当输出概率P≥40%且P<60%时,发布黄色预警;当输出概率P≥60%且P<80%时,发布橙色预警;当输出概率P≥80%时,发布红色预警。  相似文献   
尼洋河流域是雅鲁藏布江第四大支流,受冰川、积雪和冻土影响,水循环关系极其复杂。为深入研究该区域内的水文循环过程,本文在寒区水循环模型(WEP-COR)的基础上,针对青藏高原气候和地质特点,构建了耦合“积雪-土壤-砂砾石层”连续体和“积雪-冰川”水热过程模拟的青藏高原分布式水循环模型(WEP-QTP)。在尼洋河流域通过对2013—2016年的流量过程模拟发现,工布江达和泥曲站的逐月流量Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数分别达到0.810和0.752,比改进前的0.430和0.095有明显提升;以2015年为例,对比WEP-COR和WEP-QTP模型发现,WEP-QTP模型在汛期特别是主汛前(冻土融化期)模拟的流量过程不会出现较大的波动,模拟得到的逐日流量Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数相比WEP-COR从-0.67提高到0.54。模型增强了地下水含水层的调节作用,使得流量过程更加平稳且接近实测,研究结果表明,WEP-QTP模型适用于青藏高原的水文模拟。  相似文献   
为了查明山西省晋祠泉泉水断流、泉口水位下降及近年来泉口水位回升的原因,为泉水复流工作提供理论参考,以长系列气象、水文、开采量、泉流量、地下水位等资料为基础,在详细分析了晋祠泉域不同水动力分区年内、年际动态特征的基础上,从自然气候与人类活动两方面出发,阐述了不同历史时期晋祠泉域岩溶水位变化的影响因素。结果表明:1956-1994年,因20世纪80、90年代人工开采量达到历史高峰期,一度超过2.4 m3/s,且80年代以后我国北方干旱化发展趋势较为严重,晋祠泉水流量逐渐减小直至断流;1994-2008年,人工开采量虽有一定程度减少,但仍维持在2.0 m3/s左右,且恰逢连续枯水年,降水量、河流径流量较多年平均值分别减小了11%和27%,此阶段泉口水位快速下降至历史最低值;2008年以后进入相对丰水期,在采取多项措施减少泉域岩溶水开采量的同时,汾河二库蓄水水位逐步抬高,其对岩溶水的渗漏补给量在经历了约2 a的滞后期后到达泉域排泄区,晋祠泉口水位近年来逐步回升。  相似文献   
山东省广饶县地下淡水资源丰富,是本区工农业生产和生活用水的重要水源,长期大量开采地下水引发了地下水降落漏斗、咸水入侵、地面沉降等地质环境问题。通过对广饶县地下水多年监测资料的整理和分析,揭示了本区地下水水位的变化规律,预测了地下水水位的变化趋势。分析表明: 在现状开采条件下,浅层地下水降落漏斗已基本稳定,无加重趋势。考虑地面沉降和咸水入侵的发展趋势,提出深层地下水的约束埋深不应大于80 m,甄庙地区咸水入侵临界水位为10 m,这为当地地下水的合理开采与环境地质问题的防治提供了依据。  相似文献   
对泰青威天然气管道临朐段地质灾害发育特征进行调查研究发现,临朐段地质灾害类型主要为水毁灾害,具体可分为坡面水毁、河沟道水毁和台田地水毁。野外地质灾害实地调查临朐段管道沿线共发现地质灾害15处,其中坡面水毁点6处,河沟道水毁点4处,台田地水毁点5处。采用定性与半定量相结合的评价方法对其进行地质灾害风险评价,结果表明: 地质灾害风险等级较高的有1处,占6.66%; 风险等级中等的有4处,占26.67%; 风险等级较低的有10处,占66.67%。根据管道沿线地形地貌、地质灾害发育密度、风险等级等因素,划分地质灾害中易发区61 km,低易发区10 km,管道沿线以地质灾害中易发区为主。最后,针对不同类型、不同风险等级地质灾害提出了相应的防治消减措施,为后期管道安全运营和风险整治决策提供了有效的技术依据。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(2):311-328
In order to study the migration and transformation mechanism of Hg content and occurrence form in subsurface flow zone of gold mining area in Loess Plateau and its influence on water environment, the field in-situ infiltration test and laboratory test were carried out in three typical sections of river-side loess, alluvial and proluvial strata in Tongguan gold mining area of Shaanxi Province, and the following results were obtained: (1) The source of Hg in subsurface flow zone is mainly caused by mineral processing activities; (2) the subsurface flow zone in the study area is in alkaline environment, and the residual state, iron and manganese oxidation state, strong organic state and humic acid state of mercury in loess are equally divided in dry and oxidizing environment; mercury in river alluvial or diluvial strata is mainly concentrated in silt, tailings and clayey silt soil layer, and mercury has certain stability, and the form of mercury in loess is easier to transform than the other two media; (3) under the flooding condition, most of mercury is trapped in the silt layer in the undercurrent zone where the sand and silt layers alternate with each other and the river water and groundwater are disjointed, and the migration capacity of mercury is far less than that of loess layer and alluvial layer with close hydraulic connection; (4) infiltration at the flood level accelerates the migration of pollutants to the ground; (5) the soil in the undercurrent zone is overloaded and has seriously exceeded the standard. Although the groundwater monitoring results are safe this time, relevant enterprises or departments should continue to pay attention to improving the gold extraction process, especially vigorously rectify the small workshops for illegal gold extraction and the substandard discharge of the three wastes, and intensify efforts to solve the geological environmental problems of mines left over from history. At present, the occurrence form of mercury in the undercurrent zone is relatively stable, but the water and soil layers have been polluted. The risk of disjointed groundwater pollution can not be ignored while giving priority to the treatment of loess and river alluvial landform areas with close hydraulic links. The research results will provide a scientific basis for water conservancy departments to groundwater prevention and control in water-deficient areas of the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
To accurately evaluate ecological risks trigged by groundwater exploitation, it must be clarified the relationship between vegetation and groundwater. Based on remote sensing data sets MOD13Q1, groundwater table depth (WTD) and total dissolved solids (TDS), the relationship between groundwater and natural vegetation was analyzed statistically in the main plain areas of Qaidam Basin. The results indicate that natural vegetation is groundwater-dependent in areas where WTD is less than 5.5 m and TDS is less than 7.5 g/L. Aquatic vegetation, hygrophytic vegetation and hygrophytic saline-alkali tolerant vegetation are mainly distributed in areas with WTD <1.1 m. Salt-tolerant and mesophytic vegetation mainly occur in areas with WTD of 1.4-3.5 m, while the xerophytic vegetation isprimarily present in areas where WTD ranges from 1.4 m to 5.5 m. Natural vegetation does not necessarily depend on groundwater in areas with WTD >5.5 m. For natural vegetation, the most suitable water TDS is less than 1.5 g/L, the moderately suitable TDS is 1.5-5.0 g/L, the basically suitable TDS is 5.0-7.5 g/L, and the unsuitable TDS is more than 7.5 g/L.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(3):421-432
The Badain Jaran Desert is the third largest desert in China, covering an area of 50000 km2. It lies in Northwest China, where the arid and rainless natural environment has a great impact on the climate, environment, and human living conditions. Based on the results of 1∶250000 regional hydrogeological surveys and previous researches, this study systematically investigates the circulation characteristics and resource properties of the groundwater as well as the evolution of the climate and ecological environment since the Quaternary in the Badain Jaran Desert by means of geophysical exploration, hydrogeological drilling, hydrogeochemistry, and isotopic tracing. The results are as follows. (1) The groundwater in the Badain Jaran Desert is mainly recharged through the infiltration of local precipitation and has poor renewability. The groundwater recharge in the desert was calculated to be 1.8684×108 m3/a using the water balance method. (2) The Badain Jaran Desert has experienced four humid stages since the Quaternary, namely MIS 13-15, MIS 5, MIS 3, and the Early–Middle Holocene, but the climate in the desert has shown a trend towards aridity overall. The average annual temperature in the Badain Jaran Desert has significantly increased in the past 50 years. In detail, it has increased by about 2.5°C, with a higher rate in the south than in the north. Meanwhile, the precipitation amount has shown high spatial variability and the climate has shown a warming-drying trend in the past 50 years. (3) The lakes in the hinterland of the Badain Jaran Desert continuously shrank during 1973–2015. However, the vegetation communities maintained a highly natural distribution during 2000–2016, with the vegetation cover has increased overall. Accordingly, the Badain Jaran Desert did not show any notable expansion in that period. This study deepens the understanding of groundwater circulation and the climate and ecological evolution in the Badain Jaran Desert. It will provide a scientific basis for the rational exploitation of the groundwater resources and the ecological protection and restoration in the Badain Jaran Desert.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(1):178-184
To study the current status and causes of the microplastic pollution in surface water of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, this paper compared the average microplastic abundance in sediments and surface water of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the results are as follows. First, the average microplastic abundance in surface water of the independent rivers and the whole area is 247–2686 items/m3 and 856 items/m3, respectively. The average microplastic abundance in sediments of independent rivers or lakes and the whole area is 0–933 items/m2 and 362 items/m2, respectively. Meanwhile, the degree of microplastic pollution in river sediments is higher than that in lake sediments, and the rivers suffering from microplastic pollution mainly include the Brahmaputra River, Tongtian River, and Nujiang River. Second, compared with the microplastic pollution in other areas of the world, the levelof microplastic pollution in the lakes and rivers of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau is not lower than that of well-developed areas with more intensive human activities. Finally, this study suggests that relevant government departments of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau should strengthen waste management strategies while developing tourism and that much attention should be paid to the impacts of microplastics in the water environment.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
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